Our Peer Support team offers a variety of drop-in’s across Gateshead. These are informal sessions where you can come along without an appointment. They offer opportunities to meet others, seek advice, access resources, support and information on a flexible, as-needed basis.
Please see the dropdown menu to see what drop-ins are available:
Embells Community Lunch drop in
Time: 11:00-13:00
Day: Every Monday
Location: St Andrew’s Church of England, Whinbrooke, Leam Lane, NE10 8HR
Offer: A free 3 course community meal provided by Embells Community Support Project. Age UK Leam Lane Friendship Group runs weekly from this lunch, providing support and activities such as quizzes. We are here most weeks to provide support to anyone attending.
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Pelaw Community Garden Project
Time: 13:30-15:30
Day: Every Monday
Location: Bill Quay Allotments, Cromwell Terrace, Bill Quay, NE10 0UB
Offer: An opportunity to get involved in all things gardening, with a focus on mental wellbeing and sustainable food provision. Please wear suitable clothes and footwear!
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Christ Church drop in
Time: 10:15-12:30
Day: Every Wednesday
Location: Christ Church, Carlisle Street, Felling, NE10 0HQ
Offer: A warm space and place of welcome offering free tea, coffee, toast and warm food. Food packages are available weekly to support anyone in need. Peer Support Workers present weekly to provide support.
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Embells Women’s Wellbeing Group
Time: 11:00-13:00
Day: Every Thursday
Location: Leam Lane Community Hub (meeting room), Cotemede, Leam Lane, NE10 8QH
Offer: A supportive and welcoming group for women with a focus on unity, friendship and building skills, run in partnership between the Mental Health Peer Support Team and Embells Community Support Project. Experience a range of activities from silkpainting, creating mosaics and mindfulness. This group won the 2024 Empowering Support award from the Learning and Skills Team..
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Embells Community Market
Time: 11:30-14:00
Day: Every Friday
Location: Embells Community Support Project, One Body For Life Fitness Studio, Fewster Square, Leam Lane, NE10 8XQ
Offer: A community market run by Embells Community Support Project, supporting the community with low cost and high-quality items, such as food bags (12 items for £4), clothes and toys. Free tea and coffee available. Weekly Peer Support Worker presence to support attendees, and regular drop-ins from other services such as Age UK and Healthwatch.
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Wellbeing Drop-In - Rowlands Gill
Time: 9:30 – 11:00
Day: Every Monday apart from the first one of every month
Location: Strathmore Road Methodist Church, Strathmore Rd, Rowlands Gill NE39 1HX
Offer: An opportunity to drop in any time between 9.30-11.00 to a welcoming space run by Mental Health Peer support workers. You can talk to our friendly Peer Support Workers, get food and drinks at the Pay as you feel Café, enjoy time with other attendees and partake in well-being activities. We are here to support you, so any ideas are welcome. You can also take advantage of other services in this space including Citizen's Advice and the community market offering surplus & waste food for a donation.
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Wellbeing Drop-In - Chopwell
Time: 13:30 – 15:00
Day: Every Wednesday
Location: The Bank, 19 Derwent St, Chopwell, Newcastle upon Tyne NE17 7HU
Offer: An opportunity to drop in any time between 13:30 – 15:00 to a welcoming space run by Mental Health Peer Support Workers. You can talk to our friendly Peer Support Workers, get food and drinks at the Pay as you feel Café, enjoy time with other attendees and partake in well-being activities. We are here to support you, so any ideas are welcome. You can also take advantage of the community market offering surplus & waste food as well locally produced ingredients for a donation.
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Mental Health Drop-In - Highfield House
Time: 12:00 – 13:30
Day: Every Thursday
Location: Highfield House, 66-68 Whinfield Terrace, Highfield, NE39 2JY
Offer: An opportunity to drop in to a welcoming space run by Mental Health Peer Support Workers. You can talk to our friendly Peer Support Workers alongside a cuppa.
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Community Support for Autism – Neurodiversity Drop In
Time: 10:00-12:00
Day: Every other Tuesday starting on January 14th 2025
Location: Blaydon Youth and Community Centre, Shibdon Road, Blaydon-on-Tyne, NE21 5LU
Offer: Have you recently been diagnosed or are on the waiting list for a neurodiverse condition? Do you want support or want to connect with others? Come and join us at Blaydon Youth and Community Centre and meet our peer support workers and others in a welcoming, friendly and space.
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Whickham Women’s Wellbeing Drop In
Time: 13:00-15:00
Day: Every other Tuesday starting on January 7th 2025
Location: Whickham Library, 9 Front Street, Whickham, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE16 4DN
Offer: Have you been feeling alone, down or anxious? Would you like to connect with other women who support each other and understand how this feels? Come and join us at Whickham library for a supportive journey towards mental wellness, with peer support workers in a welcoming, friendly and safe space.
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St Cuthberts Friendship Group Drop In
Time: 11:15-12:30
Day: Every other Thursday starting on Thursday 20th March 2025
Location: St Cuthberts Church, Shibdon Road, Blaydon, NE21 5PT
Offer: Have Aged 50+ and been feeling anxious, down, or isolated? Come along and have a chat with our peer support team, have a cup of tea and meet new people. Activities alongside Age Uk.
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Mens MOT Wellbeing Drop In
Time: 14:00-16:00
Day: Every Thursday starting on Thursday 10th April 2025
Location: Teams Life Centre, Askew Road, Teams, Gateshead, NE8 2PW
Offer: Have you been feeling isolated or down? Come along and have a chat, meet other blokes and take the opportunity to discover some new activities.
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Be You. Autism Drop-In - Wrekenton
Time: 2pm till 4pm
Day: Monday
Location: Wrekenton Family Hub, High Street NE9 7JR, (by Lidl)
Offer: In partnership with Diverse Pathways, North East Autism this group is set up to be a safe space for adults with Autism to attend, to feel safe, play some games and talk to someone they can trust.
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Tea & Toast drop-in - Wrekenton
Time: 9.30am till 11.30am
Day: Friday
Location: Wrekenton Family Hub. High Street NE9 7JR, (by Lidl)
Offer: In partnership with Gateshead family hubs, join us for free refreshments every Friday morning and find out more about how we can support you or your family.
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Peace of Mind Drop-In
Time: 11am till 1pm
Day: Wednesday
Location: Whitehall Road Methodist Church, Whitehall Road, Gateshead NE8 4LH
Offer: Alongside other agencies, we provide support for the wellbeing of asylum seekers and refugees in an informal and relaxing environment
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Open Art Group
Time: 14:00pm until 16:00pm
Day: Thursday
Location: Wrekenton Family Hub. High Street NE9 7JR, (by Lidl)
Offer: Join us for a chance to do art, have a chat and a cuppa in a safe supportive place. No experience necessary, just enthusiasm. This is an art space, not an art class.
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Monthly Wellbeing Drop-In
Time: 10:00am until 13:00pm
Day: 1st Wednesday of every month
Location: The Strongpoint Centre, 660 Durham Road, Low Fell, NE9 6JA
Offer: Join us for a cuppa and a chat about how you're feeling in a safe and supportive space.
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Men’s brekky Butty Club drop-in - Birtley
Time: 10am - 12pm
Day: Every Friday Morning
Location: Croftside Lounge, Durham Road, Birtley, DH3 1LZ
Offer: Working in partnership with Age UK, a social support group for Men in Birtley to come have a chat, have a breakfast sandwich with a tea or coffee and relax.
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Women’s Wellbeing Drop In - Birtley
Time: 9.00am – 11am
Location: Birtley East Primary School, Highfield, Birtley, DH3 1QQ
Day: Every Tuesday
Offer: Working in partnership with the family support worker, sessions will include an opportunity to take part in something new, such as relaxation, aromatherapy and crafting. Or just come for a cuppa and a chat. The mental health peer supporters will be available if you need some additional support around issues which impact your wellbeing.
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Wellbeing Drop In - Birtley
Time: 11am till 1pm
Day: every Thursday
Location: Birtley Community centre
Offer: Come for a cuppa and have a chat, access to Peer support workers if you need any support within the drop in. Also, enjoy a hot bowl of soup at the Simply Soup Session, ran by Birtley Community Centre at the same venue, at the same time!
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Safe Space drop-in - Gateshead
Time: 2.30pm till 4pm
Day: every alternating Friday
Location: Rawling Road Surgery
Offer: Working in partnership with Youth Focus Northeast, a creative writing-based youth group for 16-25’s to come and be creative and have a safe space to be themselves and have fun. Food and drinks are provided
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Mental Health Café Drop-in - Gladstone Terrace, Gateshead
Time: 2pm till 4pm
Day: every alternating Friday
Location: 11/12 Gladstone Terrace. Centre for young people. NE8 4DW
Offer: Working in partnership with Youth Focus Northeast. A safe space to come and join in with games, engage with whatever activities we are doing that week or even just relax with company. Food and drinks are provided, and there is a quiet room if you feel overwhelmed or overstimulated where a member of staff can check on you if you needed it
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LGBTQIA+ Mental Health Peer Support Group – Gateshead Central
Time: 11am - 1pm
Day: 3rd Thursday of each month, starting 16th January 2025
Location: Gateshead Clubhouse, Worcester Green, Gateshead, NE8 1NH
Offer: Working in partnership with Pride Action North offering a mental health peer support group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual (LGBTQIA+) people. This is a safe space where for LGBTQIA+ people to be who they are and open about their feelings without judgment.
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Bridging Group - A bridge between young people's and adult mental health services
Time: 4pm till 6pm
Day: Starting on 16th January. Fortnightly thereafter
Location: 11/12 Gladstone Terrace. Centre for young people. NE8 4DY
Offer: Are you a young person who has/is being supported by CAMHS/CYPS, and will need too or have transitioned to Adult Mental Health Services and need support? Please join us at our new mental health peer support group.
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