A workshop for people who experience mental health challenges and for those who support them. It promotes a structured approach to developing a range of strategies to support self- management in recovery from distress.

 WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) is a plan designed and managed by you and is designed to:

• Decrease and prevent intrusive or troubling feelings and behaviours  

• Increase personal empowerment

• Improve quality of life

• Assist you in achieving your own life goals and dreams.

People find that doing WRAP with peers can give lots of ideas as to how you can increase your well-being and plenty of opportunities to bounce ideas off like-minded people. We recommend anyone completing WRAP be well enough to do so.


DBT skills is not Dialectical Behavioural Therapy!

A workshop that provides an overview of what DBT is, over a period of three weeks. During each session we will explore and discuss skills that people find helpful in managing their emotions and managing their distress.

Week 1 – Will look at Distress Tolerance Skills.

Week 2 – Will look at Emotional Regulation Skills.

Weeks 3 – Will look at Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills.


This workshop explores how anger is a normal and healthy emotion.

However, anger if not managed appropriately can sometimes begin to become problematic.

This workshop helps understand and manage emotions in a healthier way using skills.

The workshop can be emotionally challenging and triggering as issues around trauma and shame which can be difficult if someone is currently in the earlier stages of their recovery journey.

This workshop can be a process of self-discovery through skills and knowledge. Participants must have already completed a WRAP Awareness or Introduction to DBT Skills workshop with us before signing up for Reducing the Rage