Your Stories

We have received very positive feedback from people using South Tyneside Talking Therapies. Take a look at what our clients have said:

“I came to therapy a broken person and apprehensive of how therapy could help me.  They were understanding, encouraging and gave me guidance and reassurance on how I could work through my problems.  I can now say 6 weeks later that when I look in the mirror, I see ME again, I cannot thank them enough for all they have done for me.”

“I didn’t know what to expect when I agreed to see a Counsellor. I was very nervous and quite anxious about it.  Looking back at the person I was then and the person I am now, I’m very pleased I decided to give them a call.  My life has literally been changed.  I lived in a very negative world, with very low self-worth.  Now I can see the positive things in life.  I still have my quiet days but now I know how to deal with the low moods and depression and it doesn’t last.  The therapists were friendly and willing to do things at my pace.  They made me see things from a different point of view and showed me ways to adjust.  I thought that no-one knew or cared what was going on in my head but after the first session I realised that someone did know and wanted to help.”

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Your comments and feedback

“I enjoyed it – I found things out about myself and about worries about my health. Therapy has brought me out of myself a lot.”

“A very friendly and approachable service. My therapist was able to find a pace that suited me and met my needs. They adapted their approach to enable me to get the best from the time spent within the service.”

“Excellent and would recommend this service to everyone who needs counselling.”

“I think the service is excellent. I feel that my therapist has helped me more than anyone else ever has previously. She really understood me and was a great help.”

“I thought therapy would be a waste of time, I only came because my GP told me to. Therapy helped me to realise that I had depression, and it was only then that I was able to start doing something about it.  Thank you very much for your help.”

“I’m very pleased I attended. My therapist was compassionate and has given me methods I can always use if I become anxious.”

“I realise I thought very negatively when I started attending the group but as sessions went on the penny started to drop about how I think. Thanks to my therapist who I feel made an extra effort for me as he stayed behind to speak to me about organisations I can get involved with.  I now feel more hopeful about the future.”