If you are a professional and would like to refer a child or young person to our service, please download and complete the referral form by visiting the links below. The form should be posted to:
Sunderland Community Children and Young People's ServiceValley Road AcademyCorporation RoadSunderlandSR2 8PL
You can also send the referral form by secure email to: stsft.sunderlandcamhs@
You will need to email the form from a secure email address e.g. .net or .nhs account, or follow your own information governance policy.
If you are having trouble downloading or emailing the referral form please contact us on 0191 283 1656.
Click here to download our referral form
Our Training offer:

Our work is split between direct work with children, young people and their families and indirect work, which includes training and consultation.
We aim to have a positive effect on the mental health and emotional well-being of those children and young people who are experiencing, or who are at risk of developing, emotional, behavioural and psychological difficulties.
We aim to work closely with schools, parents, carers and other professionals so that we can work collaboratively to support children and young people aged 0–18.
We want to promote resilience against the development of mental health problems at an early stage with the hope that any further behavioural, emotional or psychological distress is prevented.
This training prospectus has been designed to inform professionals working at a Tier 1 level (such as teachers, health visitors, school nurses, social workers and other professionals in universal provisions for young people under the age of 18) of the training we have to offer.
Training is free to Sunderland professionals unless otherwise stated
Click here to download our training prospectus
Click here to download our training request form
* Please note our training is not for parents/carers *