The Sunderland Local Offer provides information and support for children and young people with SEND aged 0 to 25, and their families and carers. 

The Local Offer contains information from providers who want to actively promote that they welcome disabled children and young people into their setting.  You should contact each provider to ensure that they can offer the level of service you and your family need. It is a useful guide to what you can expect to find in your area and how you can access that service.

Local Offer | Sunderland Information Point


Together for Children work to develop modern and responsive services that make a difference for children and families in Sunderland and offer high quality services by bringing commercial skills to public service delivery. Together for Children works with Sunderland City Council and partner organisations to ensure that children's services across Sunderland are delivered by a suitably qualified and experienced workforce and deliver optimum value for money. 

They provide a range of services for children and their families including:

  • Early Help - providing targeted support to children, young people and families at the earliest point of identified need.
  • Social Care - providing support to children in need of help and protection.
  • Education - supporting schools in relation to curriculum development and school leadership as well as providing support and challenge for school improvement and effectiveness.

    Together For Children - Together for Children



  • Impartial – we don’t take sides; we provide you with information, advice and guidance to help you make an informed choice about your next steps.
  • Confidential – we will never share your information without your consent.
  • Informative – we offer information on an extensive range of topics in relation to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
  • Supportive – we enable you to understand and make effective use of the information and advice provided.
  • Accessible – SENDIASS provides a free, all-year-round and flexible service which is open during normal office hours.



A support service for young people aged 0-18 years and families of those affected by neurodevelopment diversity for those living in Sunderland.

Our aim is to provide support and services for children, young people and their families who display traits associated with neurodevelopmental diversity: autism, sensory processing, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).

Family Support Service - Sunderland - Daisy Chain (